Uses of External Drive Enclosures

You have your best device, but storage seems to be an issue. Your storage requirements have increased with the quality of work you are handling, or you need shared external storage. For this, you need not change your old computer yet you have bought so many subscriptions of installed software on your device. 

You can simply choose to expand your computer memory by buying an external hard drive.

Hard Drive Case Enclosure

What is External Drive Enclosure?

External hard drive enclosures are used to make an internal hard drive external by enclosing it in a case. This can provide many benefits; one such benefit is giving traditional internal hard drives portability. It is easy to transfer data to an external hard drive on most computers and operating systems.

External hard drives can be used to back up critical business data or add additional storage to a workstation. However, since external storage devices can be quite costly, you can consider buying an external drive enclosure to reduce costs. Using an external closure will also reduce the probability of data loss or data corruption. Besides, data can be backed up and archived on an external hard drive so that it doesn’t take up any additional space on your primary hard drive. 

How to use an external enclosure?

Depending on your workflow, storage requirements, backup practices, and so forth, you may want an enclosure that allows you to use non-proprietary drives. This way, you can add storage space by getting new disks, without having a big stack of separate drives, each in their enclosure. 
Here are some easy steps to prepare, for most enclosures:

● The first thing and the most important is to determine what kind of external hard drive enclosure you are looking for and choose it based on what connection types are available to you. 
USB would be your safest bet as it is an interface that is used by most computers. Once you determine the interface you can proceed with the next step.

● Next, you have to determine what kind of drive you have because you need an enclosure that’s compatible with your drive. Older computers contain PATA, and newer ones contain SATA hard drives. 

● Most drive enclosures feature USB or FireWire interfaces because they’re the most popular ones in use, and some feature a combination of both to make them more versatile. Most USB enclosures are USB 2.0, which is compatible with any USB port out there. But only USB 3.0 peripherals will deliver USB 3.0 performance, and that’s only when connected to a USB 3.0 port. Now more devices are featuring USB 3.0 ports, so you might want to go with USB 3.0 enclosure. 

● Installing a hard drive in external closure is very easy, open the closure and place the internal hard drive inside.

● Connect all the necessary cables, such as connecting the hard drive enclosure to the hard drive, the power cable for the enclosure, and finally connecting the enclosure to your computer.

● That’s it! Once your external drive is working, you can connect it to a computer and pull any files you want from it. Then you can format the drive and start with a clean slate.

● External hard drive enclosures transform internal hard drives into a plug and play device. You can use it anytime while your system is running and it will become a removable storage drive.


  1. Adds additional storage space.
  2. Helps in adding more drives to any given server.
  3. Transferring data between non-networked computers.
  4. Adding a backup source with a separate power supply from the connected device.
  5. A simple and inexpensive approach to hot-swapping.
  6. Recovering the data from a broken or damaged computer.


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