What does all Intel NUC SATA cable provide?

The problem for many of us is that desktops traditionally take up a lot of valuable space, and can be difficult to justify in small offices. And who doesn't love a good desktop setup? With the increasing popularity of laptops and tablets, still, these are not able to perform as good as a solid desktop.
As a result, it has become challenging for the computers to take up as little room as possible, while maintaining power comparable or even sometimes offering greater functionality than their counterparts. Intel’s NUC is one such system.

Intel NUC SATA Cable


 What is Intel NUC?

Intel has been into NUCs for years, with many variants. The NUC processors aren’t intended to be installed, uninstalled nor swapped out by the end-user. These fully operational NUC systems come with a variety of differences in specifications. There are also NUC kits, again offering different configurations and features. Intel NUC Kits universally come without RAM, storage, SATA cable, or a preinstalled operating system. The kits are much less expensive than full systems of equivalent power, and tech-savvy users gain flexibility so that they can buy the components that fit their requirements and budget.  

What will all be needed along with Intel NUC SATA cable?

Since the NUC is a basic brick with a processor mounted on its motherboard, you also need to add memory, some type of a storage device, like mSATA, SATA, or anything USB based and you can also choose a WiFi card.

Moreover, apart from that, the NUC in many ways offers the equivalent functionality of a laptop or mini-tower without the extra overhead which also caters the user to invest accordingly and customize as per their specific requirements.

For instance, when you buy Intel NUC there is no SATA cable, Hard Disk Drive, or Solid State Device included. And there is no least memory to configure which enables you to decide compatible style memory.

Screens attached through HDMI or mini-port including VGA devices are attached via Intel NUC SATA cable.

What can all be done with a NUC SATA adapter?

Serial ATA or SATA is an interface used to connect ATA hard drives to a computer’s motherboard. Most of the time users customize the cable pinouts for their ECUs and to combat this issue the OEMs can simply order cables that come in a variety of pinouts. You will definitely find the one you wish to buy. One such cable is NUC cable which solves a common problem for OEMs and their suppliers- working with custom cables.

For instance, When you wish to customize the cable according to your needs you might end up spending more of your money and managing those whole lots of wires is a different hussle. To further add once you buy those cables meant for a specific task you cannot change the connectors later on if you wish too because you invested a major amount of your savings on these cables. If a change is needed, the entire cable, as well as the connector, has to be replaced and this can add additional costs that you don’t want when you are investing your money. The Intel NUC SATA cable simplifies the customization you will need and simply converts what you have to what you need. It will also allow users to choose a connector of their own and another end of the cable according to their pinout requirements. The pinout can be decided with the help of the routing board within the cable adapter. These SATA cables are handier and smaller than other cables. This means that they’re easier to manage because they don’t take much of the space. The thinner design also results in better airflow.

If in case different pin mapping is required, the router board can be changed based on pinout specifications.


  1. Thanks for sharing informative post! Avail the best SATA cables and 2.5 hdd enclosure to meet your high technical requirements regarding devices.


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