An Analysis of Different Types of Computer Cables and Connectors
A computer has many parts that are connected to each other via cables, especially external hardware that make use of external cables. Different types of cables serve their own purposes and have little to no compatibility with connectors that are not meant to connect those cables, for every cable has its own unique connecting pin. Here is an analysis of different types of computer cables and connectors : VGA Cable VGA stands for video graphics array. The main task of this cable is to connect the computer motherboard with an external monitor that can display images sent to it by the computer. It is used to transfer video signals, and comes in male and female type connectors. Modern computers use more advanced connections, so VGA connectors are slowly becoming uncommon. HDMI Cable HDMI stands for high definition multimedia interface. It is the modern replacement for VGA cable, for unlike VGA, HDMI cables can transmit both video and audio signals at very high speeds, ...